Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to visit Ethiopia: the source of the Blue Nile and the widely accepted birthplace of coffee.
For those who don’t know, the Hub is an online collaboration and knowledge sharing platform for water. Or, as we like to say sometimes, it’s a “dating” site for water sustainability partners.
The Mandate’s main annual convening will coincide with Stockholm World Water Week as seminars within the main conference, as well as offsite side events.
This World Water Day, the CEO Water Mandate is thrilled to launch a beta version of Water Action Hub 3.0 – a collaboration between the Mandate and GIZ to highlight, share, and scale stewardship lessons learned around the world.
A new report and interactive map examine the benefits and opportunities of installing sustainable landscapes on commercial and industrial properties, with a focus on the Santa Ana River Watershed in California.
The water stewardship initiative will determine key water challenges and offer support, working to identify a vision for the region’s water-secure future.
This week, the CEO Water Mandate published its summary of the core messages and outcomes from its World Water Forum 8 meetings and side events in Brasília, Brazil at the end of March.
In the face of profound global water challenges, five global multi-stakeholder partnerships representing business, governments, intergovernmental organizations, academia, and civil society organizations announce a new collaboration effort designed to accelerate progress toward ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation around the world.
This year, the Global Compact Brazil Network and the CEO Water Mandate organized an event to bring together the Brazilian private sector, government, NGOs, and other organizations seeking to address water risks in Brazil to discuss water security challenges and solutions.
In 2014, the Mandate helped found the California Water Action Collaborative (CWAC) – unfortunately but affectionately termed “the quack.”