
WASH Benefits Accounting Framework

This framework is designed to help companies calculate and communicate the socio-economic, environmental, and institutional benefits of investments in safely managed and climate-resilient WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) services.

NBS Tool V2 Launch

Nature-Based Solutions
Benefits Explorer Version 2

The NBS Benefits Explorer, part of the Water Action Hub (a suite of digital tools for corporate water stewardship), is designed to serve as a key starting point for organizations looking to invest in NBS.

WRAF Utility Guidance

Water Resilience Assessment Framework(WRAF) 'Guidance for Water Utilities' Launch

As populations surge and cities expand, the Water Resilience Assessment Frameworks' 'Guidance for Water Utilities' serves as a crucial guide for utilities to navigate this dynamic landscape. This framework empowers utilities to embark on a journey of resilience-building, enabling them to not only survive but thrive in the face of climate stressors and other uncertainties.


Become a CEO Water Mandate Endorser

and advance your business' water stewardship.


Join our Water Resilience Coalition

a CEO-led, industry-driven initiative to reduce water stress by 2050.


NPWI (Net Positive Water Impact)

Net positive water impact is our shared ambition to increase basin resilience


All Eyes on Groundwater

Learn how private sector action on water, sanitation,
and hygiene is bringing needed solutions.

Open Call

Business leaders open call to accelerate
water action

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Global Business Leaders Advancing Water Stewardship and Resilience

The CEO Water Mandate is a special initiative established in 2007 by the UN Secretary General and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in partnership with the Pacific Institute to advance corporate water stewardship around the world.

The Mandate offers a powerful forum for companies to share good practices and forge partnerships to address urgent water challenges related to scarcity, quality, governance and access to water and sanitation.

Steward Water Resources

Join the 100 Basins Movement

The global business community is coming together to achieve collective positive water impact in 100 priority basins by 2030. Working with our partners, the CEO Water Mandate is aligning initiatives within the water sector including the Water Resilience Coalition, Forward Faster, and Open Call to drive collective action.

  • Become part of a collective movement supported by a robust network of resources and trusted partners to facilitate progress.
  • Demonstrate your company’s commitment to water action across your entire enterprise and in basins around the world.
  • Leverage your company voice – call on industry peers to join you and multiply the power of your impact.
  • Support our shared humanitarian, environmental, and economic future by building a more water-resilient world.

Endorsing the CEO Water Mandate

Accelerate your action on water. Endorse the CEO Water Mandate to commit your business to continual progress along six areas of water stewardship:

  1. Direct Operations
  2. Supply Chain & Watershed Management
  3. Collective Action
  4. Public Policy
  5. Community Engagement
  6. Transparency
Commit to Water Action

WASH Benefits Accounting Framework

This framework is designed to help companies calculate and communicate the socio-economic, environmental, and institutional benefits of investments in safely managed and climate-resilient WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) services.

NBS Tool V2 Launch

Nature-Based Solutions
Benefits Explorer Version 2

The NBS Benefits Explorer, part of the Water Action Hub (a suite of digital tools for corporate water stewardship), is designed to serve as a key starting point for organizations looking to invest in NBS.

WRAF Utility Guidance

Water Resilience Assessment Framework(WRAF) 'Guidance for Water Utilities' Launch

As populations surge and cities expand, the Water Resilience Assessment Frameworks' 'Guidance for Water Utilities' serves as a crucial guide for utilities to navigate this dynamic landscape. This framework empowers utilities to embark on a journey of resilience-building, enabling them to not only survive but thrive in the face of climate stressors and other uncertainties.


Become a CEO Water Mandate Endorser

and advance your business' water stewardship.


Join our Water Resilience Coalition

a CEO-led, industry-driven initiative to reduce water stress by 2050.


NPWI (Net Positive Water Impact)

Net positive water impact is our shared ambition to increase basin resilience


All Eyes on Groundwater

Learn how private sector action on water, sanitation,
and hygiene is bringing needed solutions.

Open Call

Business leaders open call to accelerate
water action

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