Business Action on Water

The Water Resilience Coalition is an industry-driven, CEO-led initiative to address the global water crisis.

We aim to elevate action on mounting water stress and its connection to climate change to the top of the global corporate agenda.

WRC members work to preserve the world’s freshwater resources through collective action in water-stressed basins and through ambitious, quantifiable goals. 

We are an initiative of the CEO Water Mandate between the UN Global Compact and the Pacific Institute.

Our 2030 Ambition

We will achieve positive water impact in over 100 water-stressed basins that support over 3 billion people

We will enable equitable and resilient water access, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) for over 300 million people

Our 2030 Roadmap

To achieve our 2030 ambition, the WRC will employ strategies related to 4 approaches:

    • Scaling Proven Solutions 
    • Advancing Innovation
    • Leveraging Finance
    • Measuring Impact

Our 2050 Pledge

We will achieve Net Positive Water Impact in 150 water-stressed basins worldwide

We will develop, implement, and enable strategies for water-resilient value chains

We will raise the global ambition on water

Our 100 Priority Basins

As part of our 2030 ambition, the WRC’s 100 priority basins target key watersheds around the world for collective action on water.

The WRC selected the basins in collaboration with our members and partners (see map caption) based on the levels of water stress and potential for positive impact.

Search the basin list and explore our interactive map to find which basins your company operates in and what water resilience projects already exist on the ground.

100 Basins selected in collaboration with Alliance for Water Stewardship, CEO Water Mandate, Good Stuff International, The Nature Conservancy, Pacific Institute, WRAP, WWF. Map Image Credit: WWF

NPWI (Net Positive Water Impact)

NPWI (Net Positive Water Impact) is an enterprise ambition centering water-stressed basins to create impact where it matters most.

Pioneered by the WRC, delivering NPWI contributes toward reducing water stress in its three dimensions: availability (quantity), quality, and access. It ensures the company’s contributions exceed impacts on water stress in the same region.

NPWI is quantifiable against the three dimensions of water stress, aligns with established methodologies (e.g., context and science-based water targets), and can be measured via both short-term outputs and long-term outcomes.

Read CEO Testimonies From Our Member Companies

Stories of Impact

Addressing the global water crisis can positively impact the lives of billions around the world. Our Ripples in Resilience series showcases our stories of human impact.

WRC Collective Actions

Collective Actions

Click here to become a member of the Water Resilience Coalition

Leadership Committee Members

General Members



Water Resilience Coalition