Mandate Releases Summary of Core Messages and Outcomes from Brasilia World Water Forum Events

This week, the CEO Water Mandate published its summary of the core messages and outcomes from its World Water Forum 8 meetings and side events in Brasília, Brazil at the end of March. The Forum is a conference organized by the World Water Council every three years to bring water to the international agenda by engaging stakeholders in debate to find a shared vision around water, engaging policymakers on water issues, and promoting discussion and knowledge of water among the general public.
This year, the CEO Water Mandate played a key role in two side meetings and one Forum session. Throughout the sessions, the Mandate promoted corporate water stewardship to address water risks, shared innovative best practices from companies and multistakeholder groups, and encouraged peer learning and collective action around water challenges. More specifically, the Mandate gained key insights about the water situation in Brazil – where 35 million people do not have access to safe water, 100 million do not have access to appropriate sanitation, and 37% of treated water is loss in distribution – and were able to hear from companies in Brazil who highlighted both the water risks they face and the opportunities they gain through corporate water stewardship.
More information about the core messages and outcomes from the Mandate’s World Water Forum events can be found here.
Tag:2018, Brazil, Collective Action, SDG6, SDGs, World Water Forum