Here are nine important lessons that can help us reach a net-zero carbon emission, climate-resilient future.
The CEO Water Mandate is proud to support the Global Water Partnership (GWP) Water ChangeMaker Awards, which will highlight the stories of the people and organizations who shape water decisions …
James Dalton of the IUCN describes the importance of efforts such as the Water ChangeMaker Awards to building resilient environments and communities.
2019 was a critical year for climate and water. Major events – from hurricanes to droughts and brushfires – highlight that climate’s impacts are being felt now and that the world needs to take action to build resilience while also accelerating action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Submit your abstract now to present during the seminar Business Water Resilience in Uncertain Times, a session co-convened by the CEO Water Mandate.
A new report and interactive map examine the benefits and opportunities of installing sustainable landscapes on commercial and industrial properties, with a focus on the Santa Ana River Watershed in California.
Climate change, and the water impacts that stem from it, poses an existential threat to our economy and our society. The pace at which we mitigate and adapt to climate change must accelerate, and business action is a key component of achieving this acceleration.