Srishti Lifescience Commits to CEO Water Mandate

The CEO Water Mandate Secretariat welcomes Srishti Lifescience Private Limited as its latest endorsing company. Via its endorsement of the Mandate in July 2021, Srishti Lifescience joins a diverse, global community of over 190 companies that have made a commitment to advancing water stewardship.
Based in India, Srishti Lifesciences sells in-home water bottling appliances. Founded in 2020, the company has completed its proof-of-concept phase and is transitioning to serving wider markets. Its main products offer commercial and operational alternatives to single-use plastic bottled water using reusable glass bottles at a lower cost and better hygiene quality.
To learn more about endorsing the CEO Water Mandate, click here.
Tag:2021, beverages, srishti lifescience