Transforming Health Systems: the Vital Role of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (2019)

This report outlines the health systems strengthening approach WaterAid has taken, and how this has supported sustainable improvements in WASH in healthcare facilities.

Primary Functions

  • Learn about approaches taken to strengthen health systems and quality of care for marginalized people.

Detailed Description


In 2015, WHO and UNICEF launched the first global report on the status of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in healthcare facilities in low- and middle-income countries. It revealed that healthcare facilities often lack access to water, sanitation and the means to maintain good hygiene, seriously undermining the quality of healthcare.

Since then, WaterAid has been working with partners and ministries of health to improve WASH in healthcare facilities in several countries. This report captures snapshots of where successful change has been seen. It outlines the health systems strengthening approach WaterAid has taken, and how this has supported sustainable improvements in WASH in healthcare facilities.

There is still much to do to achieve universal access to WASH and universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030 in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By capturing lessons learned and sharing the actions that have supported success, we hope to help to drive the step change required to, by 2030, reach the aim of the Global Action Plan for WASH in healthcare facilities:

‘…every health care facility, in every setting, has safely managed, reliable water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and practices to meet staff and patient needs in order to provide quality, safe people-centered care with particular attention to the needs of women, girls and children.’