WATCH: Recording of the CEO Water Mandate’s Action Platform Webinar

Last week, the CEO Water Mandate Secretariat was delighted to host a webinar detailing its Action Platform. For those who were unable to attend the webinar, you can find a recording below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
What is the Mandate’s Action Platform?
The Mandate’s Action Platform represents a deeper level of engagement in the initiative and water stewardship generally. Action Platform members are eligible to join any of the Mandate’s four Working Groups and in doing so:
- Connect to a network of businesses leading the global conversation on water stewardship
- Help shape the Mandate’s projects and strategic vision
- Get early access to leading-edge water stewardship concepts, tools, and good practices
- Pilot test cutting-edge methodologies and practices
- Further demonstrate their commitment to water to key stakeholders
Endorsing the Mandate is a prerequisite to joining the Action Platform. Action Platform members offer an annual contribution that provides core funding for the Mandate’s daily operations and programmatic work. For more on the Action Platform, go to: and see this brochure.