WATCH: The Mandate’s Webinar Series with the Brazil Local Network

Over the past year, the Mandate has deepened its engagement with the Global Compact Brazil Network on water stewardship at the local level. In the past few months, the Mandate co-hosted webinars with the Brazil network on basic water stewardship principles, the connections between water and climate, and the responses that companies have taken. These webinars have contributed to greater water awareness among companies in Brazil in the lead up to the World Water Forum 2018, to be held in Brasilia in March 2018.
Webinar #1: Water Risk in Brazil and Stewardship as a Response
The first webinar was held on September 19th. The topic of the webinar was on Water Risk in Brazil and Stewardship as a Response. The webinar started off with a high-level framing of the current situation of water resources in Brazil and the local water risks. Then we presented the CEO Water Mandate, the Water Stewardship Journey framework, and the partnership and collective Aation platforms BAFWAC and WASH4Work. Finally, we presented some examples of good practices adopted by Brazilian companies to address the water related risks.
Webinar #2: Water and Climate Change
The second webinar was held on October 26th. The topic of the webinar was on Water and Climate Change. It started off with a high-level framing around the topic of climate change at the global and national level (including on nationally determined contributions [NDCs]). Next, we presented the main impacts of climate change on water resources in the Southeast (SE) Region of Brazil and possible ways to address this challenge. In the last part of the webinar we presented some examples of good practices adopted by Brazilian companies to address the issue of climate change and international platforms on climate change that can help companies.
The slides, recording, and notes from webinar on water and climate change in Brazil are available in the Toolbox, in both English and Portuguese. To view the webinars, go to:
Reprise of the first webinar
The first webinar is going to be reprised on December 1st from 2pm to 4pm (BRT – Brasília Time) This webinar will be presented in Portuguese. Subscriptions to this webinar can be made through the link: [EDIT: No longer active]. The link to access the webinar will be shared with the participants tomorrow, before the webinar.