iTAG Forum on Water Technology Innovation

Presented by Isle
February 7, 2019
Atlanta, Georgia
The iTAG Forum is designed for corporate leaders responsible for strategic management of water resources through the application and research of innovative technologies and best practices. The iTAG Forum is a full day event where 5 innovative water technology companies present their technologies followed by Q&A through a facilitated discussion with the attendees and without the technology companies present.
The format for the iTAG forums is as follows.
- Exclusive setting with water and environmental experts from leading industries.
- Five pitches from pre-screened water innovations addressing real challenges and opportunities to drive water efficiency.
- Open discussion and technology validation with peers.
- Matchmaking with technology presenters and corporate water strategy leaders.
iTAG forum is run by Isle, a global consultancy specialized in emerging technologies and innovative frameworks for end users managing water resources. Isle has over 250 end users globally. Isle objectively screens and selects the best available technologies based on end user driven challenges. iTAG Forums are a streamlined approach in how end users can investigate solutions that will achieve reliability, compliance and efficient water use in their operations.
There is no cost to the attendees for the February 7th, 2019 Forum in Atlanta. If interested, please contact Erik Driessen at
Tag:2019, Atlanta, best practices, Isle, technology