CEO Water Mandate: 2019 in Review

In 2019, we saw new water crises arise and new data showing that more are looming. But we saw positive progress in 2019 too. We saw water meaningfully integrated into the international climate dialogue. We saw evidence of effective collaboration on water from California to South Africa.
It is clear to us that advancing corporate water stewardship remains imperative, and though we still have a long way to go, it is important to reflect on the strides we have made thus far. This 2019 annual summary lays out some of the major accomplishments and milestones of the CEO Water Mandate over the past year. It provides an overview of the collective action projects that we led; the tools and resources that we developed, expanded, and improved; the global events in which we participated; and more.
Here is a quick snapshot:
To read the full report, click here or on the report cover below: