Reducing Stormwater Pollution – Good Practices In Timber Products Facilities

This good practice looks at ways to mitigate stormwater pollution from timber products facilities.

Primary Functions

  • Reduce the impact of stormwater exposed to timber products facilities from degrading water quality in nearby water bodies by following these control measures and best management practices.

Detailed Description


Activities, such as material handling and storage, equipment maintenance and cleaning, and industrial processing or other operations that occur at industrial facilities, are often exposed to stormwater. The runoff from these areas may discharge pollutants directly into nearby waterbodies or indirectly via storm sewer systems, thereby degrading water quality.

In 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed permitting regulations to control stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity. As a result, permitting authorities, which may be either EPA or a state environmental agency, issue stormwater permits to control runoff from these industrial facilities. This fact sheet specifically discusses stormwater discharges from timber products facilities that produce lumber and wood products, except furniture.

Common requirements for coverage under an industrial stormwater permit include development of a written stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). The SWPPP is a written assessment of potential sources of pollutants in stormwater runoff and control measures that include site-specific best management practices (BMPs), maintenance plans, inspections, employee training, and reporting.

This fact sheet lists a number of BMPs which may be helpful to minimize contact between stormwater and potential pollutants. A variety of BMP options may be applicable to eliminate or minimize the presence of pollutants in stormwater discharges from timber products facilities. A facility will likely need to implement a combination or suite of BMPs to address stormwater runoff.