BHP Endorses the CEO Water Mandate

The CEO Water Mandate Secretariat welcomes BHP as its latest endorsing company! BHP joins over 140 companies from across the globe and representing multiple industry sectors that have committed to advancing water stewardship. BHP has been a participant of the United Nations Global Compact since 2003.
BHP is a world-leading resources company. They extract and process minerals, oil and gas, with more than 60,000 employees and contractors, primarily in Australia and the Americas. Their products are sold worldwide, and their global headquarters are in Melbourne, Australia.
BHP understands that the sustainability of their operations relies on their ability to obtain the appropriate quality and quantity of water and to use this resource responsibly. In addition, the social, cultural, environmental, ecological and economic values of water have led to expectations from stakeholders for improved resource stewardship. BHP began setting water-related sustainability targets in 2013, and they “greatly look forward to working with the Mandate to progress the journey of water stewardship.”
To learn more about endorsing the CEO Water Mandate, click here.