Endorsing companies of the UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate can communicate about their engagement in this initiative by using the “We Support CEO Water Mandate logo (hereinafter the “We Support logo”). Please note that the following conditions apply for use of the We Support logo:
- The logo must be placed in such a manner that it is clear from the context which organization is an endorsing company of the CEO Water Mandate.
- The logo cannot be sub-licensed to any other individual or organization.
- The logo is not to be used in any manner that suggests or implies that the UN Global Compact and/or the Pacific Institute have endorsed or approved of the activities, products, and/or services of the organization, or that the UN Global Compact and/or the Pacific Institute are the source of any such activities, products or services.
Permission to use the We Support logo must be sought in advance and in writing from the CEO Water Mandate Secretariat prior to any use. Please provide a sample of your document at ceowatermandate@unglobalcompact.org and indicate where on the sample document you would like the logo to appear. In accordance with this policy, the following uses of the Endorser participant logo will generally be permitted:
- In training and/or other educational materials related to the CEO Water Mandate;
- In documents and/or other materials designed to promote the CEO Water Mandate;
- In statements outlining a participant’s CEO Water Mandate-related activities, including in the COP;
- In the context of a participant’s CEO Water Mandate Communication on Progress (“COP”).
If used in a digital context, the logo must be hyperlinked back to: https://ceowatermandate.org.Generally, we ask that the logo is used along with the following text:
“[Company] is a CEO Water Mandate endorsing company for demonstrating its ongoing commitment to the initiative and its six commitment areas. Since [year], [company] has included a description of action and investments undertaken in relation to the CEO Water Mandate in its annual Communication on Progress, available at [link to COP].”
Please note that the following uses will not be permitted:
- Any use of the logo in connection with fundraising;
- Any context of promoting or advertising products and services of a participant;
- Any use of the logo suggesting or implying that the CEO Water Mandate and/or Pacific Institute approve or endorse the activities, products and/or services of the organization;
- Any use of the logo as an indicia of origin of products and/or services;
- As a permanent graphical element of stationery, business cards and other variably utilized print materials; including email signatures.
- Any use of the logo on the header or footer of the website.