Tool 1b: Facilitator’s Guide for Participatory Integrity Risk Management Exercises

This tool provides a sequence of exercises that can guide WSI participants in analyzing integrity and other risks a WSI may face.

Tool Guidance for the facilitation of a sequence of integrity management exercises for WSI participants to jointly assess context and related integrity risks, and to agree on measures to ensure the initiative’s integrity.
Related Key Activities The exercises should be embedded into the regular consultations and management activities of a WSI and can be used to share the integrity risk assessment.
Purpose Initiate a change process with participants to jointly enhance the WSI’s integrity:

  • Identify integrity risks that are most relevant to a given WSI, given its scope and context.
  • Develop a workplan that specifies how activities that are most relevant at a given phase of a WSI will be implemented.
Possible Users WSI participants and where feasible affected stakeholders.
Level of Effort Included in a larger management workshop or selected exercises, and integrated into subsequent regular working meetings of the WSI.
WSI Phase 2: Formalization, and 3: Implementation.

Participatory integrity risk management exercises are meant to initiate a change process in which participants jointly enhance the WSI’s integrity. In existing WSIs that have not yet followed an explicit integrity management approach, the following exercises can serve as a starting point to align the WSI with these integrity management guidelines. The sequence of exercises is meant to facilitate a step-wise process to identify the key activities and the supporting tools that enhance the initiative’s integrity most effectively. To use time effectively, exercises should be combined and adapted to include other risks a WSI may be facing and should be embedded into the overall management approach of the initiative. For WSIs that have integrated systematic risk management from the planning phase, the exercises serve to take stock, refine, and complement the measures put in place, plan next steps, and further sensitize participants.

Guidance for implementation

The six integrity risk management exercises are interlinked, which should be taken into account when implementing them over the course of several working sessions. The sequence of these exercises is summarized below:

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